When You Need Help Now

SOS Sessions

Are you in need of immediate help with an urgent team or operations issues? Book an hour with Brigitte to get unstuck around a specific problem.

I remember how it felt to lead my agency and desperately wish I could have an emergency strategy session for an issue demanding immediate attention. You might have hiring me for longer term support on your wish list, but right now, you’re not looking for a generalized consult. You need help!

SOS Sessions are one-time engagements where you can get on my schedule FAST. Sometimes as quick as the next day.

When you book a session, I’ll also you to let me know what you need help with, so I can come to the call prepared. Then, we’ll work together for up to an hour to solve your problem.

Here is a short list of the kinds of things you can bring to a SOS Session.


Create a game plan for working with a problem employee. I can give you conversation guide to see if the situation can be salvaged, help you decide if it’s time to let someone go, and develop a transition plan so you’re not left in the lurch.


Audit one of your systems to see why you’re not getting results. Maybe you’ve made a bad hire and want to see if you can avoid making another mistake or your customer support team isn’t following policy. I can help you figure out why the systems are failing and how to fix it.


Figure out how you can attract better job candidates and brainstorm solutions to your staffing issues.


Go through your Build Yourself Out of the Business Action Plan together and identify where you can free up the most time for yourself without sacrificing your work product or reputation.


Learn how you can stop constant Slack notification and interruptions, without fear that your team is going to make the wrong choices when left to their own devices.


Prepare for a tough conversation with a team member or partner that you’ve been putting off.

Not sure if I’ll be able to help you in a single session? Email me and let me know what you’d like help with, and I’ll get back to you within one business day.

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Let's Get You Some Immediate Relief

“I came to Brigitte thinking I had an operations problem. I knew our project management systems were tight and well tested, but it still felt like we were overengineering things. We’re a small firm, and we work with a select number of clients at a time — so I kept asking myself, “Why does it feel like we’re moving mountains?” 

One conversation with Brigitte identified the problem. It wasn’t operations. It wasn’t our systems. It was ME, the leader of the company! 

I wasn’t empowering my team members the way I should have been. To be clear, we have a great team — everyone gets along, we’re aligned on values, and everyone really goes above and beyond to deliver the highest quality content for our clients. But my presence in every little task and conversation was hamstringing my people, preventing them from learning how to make their own decisions and being leaders themselves. 

After a few sessions with Brigitte, my team and I had a plan to work through this challenge. The result was I was able to take a month-long sabbatical this summer, and my team had absolute confidence they could make decisions without me. 

When I came back, it was like I hadn’t been gone at all. Our clients were happy and my team was happy — and my team asked me if they could keep going with the higher-level work they had been doing. For the first time in the 10 years I have been running this firm, I feel like I’m not on my own making every little decision. I empowered my people, and they empowered me in return!”

Jessica Merhing

CEO, Horizon Peak Consulting


What kinds of businesses do you work with?

I work with service-based and agency business models. The agency I founded and sold was a boutique public relations firm, and I’ve consulted with interior designers, copywriters, brand design agencies, and consultants looking to build a team. I also have more experience with smaller teams, defined as fewer than 20 employees.

How do you prepare for our call?

When you book the SOS Session, I ask for background on what you need help with, as well as your website and any relevant documents. I review all of this documentation in advance and pull relevant resources, so we can get right to work during your session.

What if you can't help me with my issue?

When you book the call, I will reach out to you if your question are outside my area of expertise or if I feel I won’t be able to help in a substantive way. You are also more than welcome to email me here before you book. If we get on the call, and I am truly stumped by the direction of your questions, I’ll let you know immediately and refund your payment.

Can you help me sell my business?

It depends on what kind of help you’re looking for. I am not a broker, nor did I use on in my own sale, so I cannot help you find a buyer (beyond making suggestions for making your company more attractive to potential buyers.

However, if you’re working to define your intellectual property or set up systems and team support so your business can easily be transferred to a new owner, I would love to help!

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