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The Team Reset

Stop the constant check-ins and interruptions, while gaining confidence that your team will make the right judgment calls on their own.


Finally get yourself out of the daily decision-making for clients and team members


Get yourself out of the middle of every decision your team needs to make and equip them to independently make the right calls


Eliminate the risk that your team members will go rogue and make the wrong decisions when you stop answering all their questions


Reclaim your attention from Slack notifications and “quick emails” without putting your agency’s reputation at risk

Let this be the year you build yourself out of your business

I’m Brigitte Lyons, The Ops Whisperer.

When I founded my last agency, my goal was to transition from a traditional model into a business that would be more compatible with my goal of full-time travel.

I knew I was going to be unreachable much of the time, with a shifting and unpredictable schedule, so I had to remove myself from day-to-day operations.

If I couldn’t be reached for hours (or days), the business needed to keep running.

After a decade of self-employment, I was forced to figure out how to build myself out of the day-to-day.

In the process, I built a company I ran working 20 hours a week, while traveling to national parks and off-grid locations.

You may have zero interest in long-term travel or visions of selling your business any time soon. You don’t need to stop working with clients if that’s what you love.

But here’s the important part:

Designing your business so it can thrive without you makes it stronger, more resilient, and creates room for growth and innovation.

If you want a business that runs smoothly without you constantly swooping in to solve problems, you will need to do two things: 1) Develop foolproof systems, and 2) Train your team to make the right decisions without your direct input.

Doing this work in my own agency unlocked the fastest period of growth I’d experienced in more than a decade of self-employment and entrepreneurship. Even though I was less available, the business thrived by every objective measure.


The agency grew faster than any business I’d launched before


I was able to give myself a raise


My team members developed new offers for the company on their own (including a program that became our most profitable service)


Three years later, I was able to sell the business.

build a business that better supports everyone -- you, the team, and your clients

I know you worry about the effect stepping back will have on your clients.

It can feel like you’re the only person that can do the work up to the standards your company is known for.

It is true that no single person can duplicate the way you approach your work.

But if you build systems that reinforce your company values and brand promise…

And you train and empower your team to bring their unique strengths and skills to the work…

Then you will have a business that is stronger, more resilient, more strategic, and poised to take on any challenges you throw at it.

And here’s the best part: None of this is any harder than what you’re doing now.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Reset your team dynamic, so you can confidently step into your next big thing, whether that’s thoughtfully preparing to sell the business, start a new creative project, or simply taking more time off.