When You Need Help Now


Get individual, personal support to overhaul your hiring, management and operations, so you can confidently step back while the business keeps growing.

You’ve done an amazing job building up your business.

But now you’re at capacity.


You’re approaching the point where there is more demand for your services than you can fulfill — or you’re already there


You’ve started building a team, but instead of getting the support you need, you’re getting pulled in a million directions


You’re the primary point of contact for clients, and although it’s no longer sustainable, you can’t see a way out


Despite your success, the business you’ve built doesn’t feel sustainable or scalable in any meaningful way

In order to keep growing, something has to change.

But you’re so deep in the day-to-day of your business that it’s difficult to see your way through the transition.

You’re seeking support from someone who’s been through it, and came out the other side with a stronger business.

Someone who understands the challenges and opportunities unique to service-providers. Who won’t push you to change your business model, but who can help you come up with solutions for maintaining quality and growth as you step back.

It’s a good thing you found me.

We’re going to build a stable, sustainable and energizing business that gives you the scaffolding you need to step into whatever is coming next for you.

The Ops Whisperer Framework

It Starts With You

You have poured so much creative power into your company. From the clients you serve to the way you deliver on your unique value proposition, I know it’s all thought out. Everything we do together serves to reinforce your frameworks, values and positioning.

Remove Friction to Gain Momentum

I know it feels like carving more time and mental space is going to take forever, but I want you to resist all-or-nothing thinking. Small tweaks that remove friction from your operations can immediately give you more of the space you’re looking for.

Get Your Team on Board

If your team feels like a drag on your day, you will be amazed by the kind of support that is available to you. Not only will we eliminate the constant interruptions that are keeping you from doing the work that matters to you, I’ll show you how to challenge your team to step up and support the business like never before.

I believe that a business’s values are the foundation for the work, so let me tell you what drives me.

I Care About Creating A Good Workplace for Everyone — You and The Team

Could you squeeze out a slightly better margin by paying your people less or putting more pressure on them? Maybe. But part of the reason you became an entrepreneur is to get away from toxic workplace practices, and my clients and I refuse to replicate them just to make a little extra money. Everyone comes out ahead, not just the owner.

I’m Focused on Sustainable Growth

This may be controversial, but I think we’ve gone too far in the, “Move fast and break things,” direction, especially when our actions affect the livelihoods of not just our teams but also our clients. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t aim for healthy margins and growth, but I am not interested in a Silicon Valley style race to the finish. Instead, my clients and I are looking to maintain the bedrock values of our companies and keep them at the forefront of our growth models.

I Believe People Problems are Nearly Always Systems Problems

Someone not turning their work in on time? Clients have mismatched expectations? I have so much empathy for what you’re going through, but I’m also not putting the blame where it belongs — on the systems providing the scaffolding for your business. There’s always a solution if you know how to look.

I Will be Your Biggest Fan, but I am Not a “Yes” Woman

Usually this comes up when I’m holding you accountible to your own goals. Whether you want to travel full-time like I did, finally write that book, or simply give yourself space to think, I will always keep your goals at the forefront. That doesn’t mean they can’t change, but it’s helpful to have someone check in when the ideas are coming fast and furious.

Is this the support you’ve been looking for?

Let’s talk.